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Tomouh Fund Features
Accept Credit Cards
We Accept payments using Paypal, and major credit cards using paypal payment service, we also accept bank transfer, for bank transfer you will receive an email with our invoice and transfer information after checkout.Designed for SME,s
We have you in mind, therefore you can find our process for listing or supporting your project is a smooth as it could be.Mobile Commerce
Tomouh Fund designed to be safe, fast as well mobile friendly so you can support your preferred projects from your labtop and your mobile phone.
Fast Approval
our team work closely with the SME, and startup owners to help them during their application for funding, while they market their projects for crowdfunding, and after receiving the funding.Wordwide projects
Projects can be from any part of the world, with focus on emerging markets and countries where our support for SME and startups can make a difference.Secure Checkout
Using the top market players as our payment processors providers make it safe and secure for you to pay online without the worry of your payment securety issue.